Sphere 3D

Sphere 3D
Sphere 3D
0.54 USD


Sphere 3D Corp. is a Canada-based carbon neutral bitcoin mining company. The Company delivers data management solutions via hybrid cloud, cloud and on-premises implementations both directly and through its reseller network and professional services organization. It provides data storage and desktop virtualization solutions for small and medium businesses and distributed enterprises.

Its segments include Digital Mining and Service and Product. Its brands include Hybrid Virtualization Engine (HVE) ConneXions and Unified ConneXions (UCX). HVE ConneXions combines virtualization solutions with hardware to support cloud requirements for corporate, government, and educational institutions.

HVE ConneXions specializes in virtual desktop, server virtualization and network storage that is compatible with various types of workloads, including desktops, servers and databases. UCX is engaged in providing information technology (IT) services to corporate, government, and educational institutions..

Financials Amount (in millions)

Income statement
Balance sheet
Cash flow


Price and Volume
Ten Day Average Volume 381.6K
Three Month Average Volume 12.4M
High Low
Fifty-Two Week High 4.09 USD
Fifty-Two Week Low 0.5707 USD
Fifty-Two Week High Date 27 Dec 2023
Fifty-Two Week Low Date 01 Dec 2023
Price and Volume
Current Price 0.9087 USD
Beta 3
Relative Price Change
Four Week Relative Price Change -6.39%
Thirteen Week Relative Price Change -23.51%
Twenty-Six Week Relative Price Change -59.09%
Fifty-Two Week Relative Price Change -49.99%
Year-to-Date Relative Price Change -76.89%
Price Change
One Day Price Change -4.78%
Thirteen Week Price Change -18.14%
Twenty-Six Week Price Change -55.01%
Five Day Price Change -11.78%
Fifty-Two Week Price Change -37.33%
Year-to-Date Price Change -72.63%
Month-to-Date Price Change -14.27%
Per Share Data
Book Value
Book Value Per Share (Last Fiscal Year) 2.62248 USD
Book Value Per Share (Most Recent Quarter) 1.97153 USD
Tangible Book Value Per Share (Last Fiscal Year) 2.3245 USD
Tangible Book Value Per Share (Most Recent Quarter) 1.7828 USD
EBITD Per Share (Trailing Twelve Months) -1.02326 USD
Revenue Per Share (Last Fiscal Year) 1.80604 USD
Revenue Per Share (Trailing Twelve Months) 1.54938 USD
Dividend Per Share (Last Fiscal Year) -99999.99 USD
Dividend Per Share (Trailing Twelve Months) 0 USD
Dividend Per Share (5 Year) -99999.99 USD
Earnings Per Share
Excluding Extraordinary Items (Last Fiscal Year) -1.92971 USD
Excluding Extraordinary Items (Trailing Twelve Months) -1.27167 USD
Normalized (Last Fiscal Year) -2.1087 USD
Basic Excluding Extraordinary Items (Last Fiscal Year) -1.92971 USD
Basic Excluding Extraordinary Items (Trailing Twelve Months) -1.25986 USD
Including Extraordinary Items (Last Fiscal Year) -1.92971 USD
Including Extraordinary Items (Trailing Twelve Months) -1.27167 USD
Cash Per Share (Last Fiscal Year) 0.03812 USD
Cash Per Share (Most Recent Quarter) 0.67888 USD
Cash Flow Per Share (Last Fiscal Year) -1.41311 USD
Cash Flow Per Share (Trailing Twelve Months) -0.61954 USD
Free Cash Flow Per Share (Trailing Twelve Months) -0.48922 USD
Cash Flow Revenue
Cash Flow Revenue (5 Year) -456
Cash Flow Revenue (Trailing Twelve Months) -32
Pretax Margin
Pretax Margin (Trailing Twelve Months) -69.62%
Pretax Margin (Last Fiscal Year) -106.44%
Pretax Margin (5 Year) -577.79%
Gross Margin
Gross Margin (Last Fiscal Year) 27.22%
Gross Margin (Trailing Twelve Months) 29.42%
Gross Margin (5 Year) 34.23%
Operating Margin
Operating Margin (Last Fiscal Year) -105.89%
Operating Margin (Trailing Twelve Months) -89.26%
Operating Margin (5 Year) -570.21%
Net Profit Margin
Net Profit Margin (Last Fiscal Year) -106.50%
Net Profit Margin (Trailing Twelve Months) -69.66%
Net Profit Margin (5 Year) -578.19%
Book Value
Book Value Per Share (5 Year) -99,999.99%
Tangible Book Value (5 Year) -99,999.99%
Free Operating Cash Flow
Free Operating Cash Flow (5 Year) -99,999.99%
Revenue Change MRQ vs 1 Year Ago -14.64%
Revenue Growth (3 Year) 19.39%
Revenue Change (Trailing Twelve Months) 121.94%
Revenue Per Share Growth -45.66%
Revenue Growth (5 Year) 65.32%
Capital Spending Debt
Capital Spending (5 Year) 94.56%
Total Debt (5 Year) -99,999.99%
Dividend Growth (3 Year) -99,999.99%
Earnings Per Share
EPS Change MRQ vs 1 Year Ago 123.28%
EPS Change (Trailing Twelve Months) 91.49%
EPS Growth (3 Year) -99,999.99%
EPS Growth (5 Year) -99,999.99%
EBITDA (5 Year) -99,999.99%
EBITDA (5 Year Interim) -99,999.99%
Net Profit Margin
Net Profit Margin Growth (5 Year) -99,999.99%
Total Price to Book
Price to Tangible Book (Last Fiscal Year) 1
Price to Tangible Book (Most Recent Quarter) 1
Price to Free Cash Flow
Price to Free Cash Per Share (Last Fiscal Year) -100,000
Price to Free Cash Per Share (Trailing Twelve Months) -100,000
Net Debt
Net Debt (Most Recent Quarter) -13,805,000
Net Debt (Last Fiscal Year) -586,000
Price to Sales
Price to Sales (Last Fiscal Year) 1
Price to Sales (Trailing Twelve Months) 1
Price to Earnings
PE Excluding Extraordinary Items (Last Fiscal Year) -100,000
PE Normalized (Last Fiscal Year) -100,000
PE Basic Excluding Extraordinary Items (Trailing Twelve Months) -100,000
PE Excluding Extraordinary Items High (Trailing Twelve Months) 5
PE Excluding Extraordinary Items Low (Trailing Twelve Months) 5
PE Including Extraordinary Items (Trailing Twelve Months) -100,000
Dividend Yield (5 Year) -99,999.99%
Dividend Yield -99,999.99%
Current Dividend Yield 0.00%
Price to Book
Price to Book (Last Fiscal Year) 1
Price to Book (Most Recent Quarter) 1
Financial Strength
Debt to Equity
Long Term Debt to Equity (Last Fiscal Year) 0
Long Term Debt to Equity (Most Recent Quarter) 0
Payout Ratio
Payout Ratio (Last Fiscal Year) -99,999.99%
Payout Ratio (Trailing Twelve Months) -99,999.99%
Quick Ratio
Quick Ratio (Last Fiscal Year) -100,000
Quick Ratio (Most Recent Quarter) -100,000
Enterprise Value
Current Enterprise Value to Free Cash Flow (Last Fiscal Year) -100,000
Current Enterprise Value to Free Cash Flow (Trailing Twelve Months) -100,000
Current Ratio
Current Ratio (Last Fiscal Year) 3
Current Ratio (Most Recent Quarter) 4
Free Cash Flow
Free Cash Flow (Last Fiscal Year) -8,143,000
Free Cash Flow (Trailing Twelve Months) -7,902,000
Net Interest Coverage
Net Interest Coverage (Last Fiscal Year) -22
Net Interest Coverage (Trailing Twelve Months) -100,000
Total Debt to Equity
Total Debt to Equity (Last Fiscal Year) 0
Total Debt to Equity (Most Recent Quarter) 0
Management Effectiveness
Return on Assets
Return on Assets (Last Fiscal Year) -36.26%
Return on Assets (Trailing Twelve Months) -30.24%
Return on Assets (5 Year) -59.75%
Return on Equity
Return on Equity (Last Fiscal Year) -76.25%
Return on Equity (Trailing Twelve Months) -56.62%
Return on Equity (5 Year) -94.37%
Return on Investment
Return on Investment (Last Fiscal Year) -43.43%
Return on Investment (Trailing Twelve Months) -36.34%
Return on Investment (5 Year) -66.44%

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